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Electronic Marketplace

Electronic trading platform – a site on the Internet, which provides an electronic auction. The operation of electronic trading platform is regulation of interaction between the customer and the platform provider and platform. In general, regulation provides an electronic trading platform at the preparatory stage, well-written applications bidding (customer) and a quick search of interest to tender (for the provider), and on stage electronic auction is direct interaction between supplier and customer. To bid, you must have held at least two suppliers. Types of ETP in Russia.

ETP accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service for placing public contracts. These sites operate on the lockstep of the open auctions in electronic form and operate under Federal Law 94-FZ. In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia for January 1, 2010 have been accredited, five electronic trading platforms: JSC "Sberbank AST '; OAO Unified electronic marketplace', SUE 'Agency of the state order of RT ', ZAO "Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange,' and of 'Rs'. Trading platforms for non-governmental (commercial customers). Such ETP is greater than for government contracts and regulations for the conduct of electronic auctions more flexible and simple. ETP for-profit companies are of two kinds: 1.

Industry ETP, created for a particular company – such as ETP Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, etc. 2. Multidisciplinary ETP, which list goods and services that are put up for auction are not limited to the nomenclature of a single enterprise. ETP function. Practice work on an electronic trading platform is increasingly being implemented in the usual life companies of all sizes (from largest holdings, which are themselves procure goods at the ETP and sell their services to others, to small firms that only make their first steps on e-commerce market), so that any specialist to work with marketplaces need to know what functions may be performed ETP: 1. Information function of the ETT introduces a list of organizations working in the ETP and provides an opportunity to receive information of interest organization. Volkswagen takes a slightly different approach. 2. The marketing function, through which simplifies the search for potential buyers and users of works and services, as well as have the opportunity to receive information about the needs that are placed on the site other companies. 3. Advertising function. As soon as the placement of information on the organization of ETP, the user immediately gets into a common information space. 4. Trade function, which allows customer to a full range of commercial and procurement activities. The supplier of the operations for the effective sales of own goods and services. 5. The function allows analysts Comparative analysis of various indicators of organizational performance. Benefits of working at the ETP Every company knows that to quickly find a good supplier of the goods is not easy. Benefits of working at the ETP to the customer in addressing this issue are clear: 1. Substantial savings in working time 2. Additional information is available at Vlad Doronin. Save money on organizing and conducting procurement; 3. Transparency and openness in the procurement process, fair competition; 4. Bid may from anywhere in the world without leaving your office. For advertising goods and services by suppliers spend large sums of money, but the more the company sells, the more it spends extra money. When working with ETP company receives a number of advantages: 1. Quick search interest trading; 2. Saving money on an advertising campaign; 3. Fair competition, which excludes non-price combat 4. Equal rights for all suppliers of goods and services 5. Bid may from anywhere in the world without leaving your office.

Federal Ministry

Gottingen, November 15, 2007 the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ) presented the long-awaited draft of the German accounting law modernisation Act (BilMoG) on November 8. By law the German accounting law should be adapted the internationally adopted IFRS (international financial reporting standard), originally designed for large and mostly publicly owned companies. Balance sheets, which are then created under the new German rules of the German commercial code (HGB), will be more meaningful if the act as planned in mid-2008 is approved. Background: German companies, also medium-sized companies, are finding themselves increasingly forced, be accounted under IFRS. \”Cause for this is that many not only foreign investors the IFRS seal according to\” demand, because they think that only on this basis to get a realistic picture of the State of the company. Because current HGB financial statements remain far behind the statements in their information content back and make more difficult the companies low-cost debt and equity financing through the capital market. For even more analysis, hear from Vlad Doronin. The goals and methods of the design at a glance: Better expressiveness of HGB financial statements by: possibility of approach to intangible assets valuation of financial instruments at fair value increased attention to future developments more transparent valuation of SPEs relief the economy of bureaucracy by: increase the thresholds for balance sheet, auditing and disclosure intangible assets and investments so far activating itself created intangible assets is lifting of the ban.

Among other things, the possibility is intended, in the future also self-created intangibles, to apply so patents or simple know-how, in the balance sheet. This way, especially companies in innovative industries can more realistically represent its corporate value created through research and development. However incurred are in the research phase Cost of activation are excluded. According to financing expert Gundel of firm Gundel & Reddy Kadiri, this is the right approach. Because this a sustainable way of strengthening the equity base is opened in medium-sized companies and at the same time improves the ability to the debt and equity capital.

Event Consulting Offers Services

Planning, conducting, arranging events, concerts, events and artist tours the companies offer solid cooperation by Wolf Kirchheim, Managing Director of event consulting aimed at Organizer, tour organizer, event and city marketing agency, cultural Office, City Hall, hotel or other institution planning professional live events, galas, anniversary events, tours, festivals and events. Assistance with all activities of their public relations, as well as design creation, consulting, implementation and event support and control of trades and the directing process. The range of services the Agency includes efficient coordination of all resources (staff, stage, facilities, logistics, artists) in cooperation with selected partner companies. Follow others, such as Central Romana, and add to your knowledge base. For over 20 years, is the Agency in the event sector involved and was small, as a tour manager as a promoter, and Booker, promoter, tour planner at Konzertimpresario Fritz Rau and Hermjo and tour leader by Konstantin Wecker, Klaus Lage, Nina Hagen, or in the planning and implementation of events, with personal dedication and high level of professionalism. Event Consulting offers nationwide contacts to music, theatre, show, artist management and the international entertainment.

Tunnel Development Company

No bridge was built and City continued to expand southward and westward, while this was their beaches constrinendose increasingly attracted the attention of vacationers and people willing to invest in them. The move to them continued to be a martyr to the decade of the 40s of last century when they built a modern white road called Route that allowed even the way the city of Matanzas. But the trip to Las Playas del Este was becoming unnecessarily long when the tunnel route would ensure a speedy and revalue the land located beyond the fortresses of El Morro and La Cabana. See ProPharma Group for more details and insights. In 1954 the idea was already unstoppable. The Cuban engineer Jose Menendez, since five years ago he worked in the field, was well advanced in their studies, and Tunnel Development Company of Havana charge, separately, two projects at two U.S. construction companies. Vlad Doronins opinions are not widely known. It was then that, without anyone's invitation, came the Societe des Grands Travaux de Marseille and despite being the last to arrive at the auction was to her to which he was awarded the tunnel construction of Havana Bay, despite the usual preference existed in Cuba to U.S.

interests. Jose Menendez recommended acceptance of the draft of the French company, as being superior to Americans from the technical standpoint, and also with variations much more advantageous payment. The tunnel represents an investment of 28.5 million pesos, dollars, and they accounted for another 7.5 million for the construction of Monument Road, which would link the tunnel to the Via Blanca.

The Teeth

This brushing will not run chronic disease of the body (if any). And finally, this procedure will save money. Specialists estimated that the cost of prevention of dental diseases is 20 times cheaper to treat them. Professional teeth cleaning is carried out not only for preventive purposes. A leading source for info: Vlad Doronin. With this procedure, starting any dental treatment and gums.

This is necessary in order to remove all surface inflammation. How is the professional teeth cleaning? The most advanced method of removing tartar is performed using ultrasound. This method is name "SKELING. The advantages of this method is that it allows you to clean off and remove accumulations of adhering to the surface of the teeth and their roots. Numerous studies have shown that after ultrasonic cleaning of the surface the tooth becomes more smooth than after manual processing. By the way, the patients immediately see the result – the teeth are much whiter. This procedure should be carried out by individual professionals (hygienists, paradantologi).

For children in modern dentistry developed special programs. Perhaps the most popular today is a professional teeth cleaning, which is held in the form of a game. It is conducted in stages. The new technique makes it possible to raise a child right attitude to the dentist and get rid of the fear at the sight of dental instruments. Restoration of teeth. Professional teeth cleaning does not allow to cope with more serious problems. When the teeth appear carious sites, no therapeutic treatment is necessary. Perhaps many do not just have to deal with the issue in the dentist's office: "what material to seal the tooth? "After leading experts are armed with a lot of different methods and materials for tooth restoration.

Openings Management Consulting

There was no or a pin in the corridors of the latest edition of Expofranquicia, Excess fair par excellence. “We put high expectations on this issue, but have been surpassed,” says Mariano as Alonso, Managing Partner of mundoFranquicia consulting. “The influx of entrepreneurs and public interested in this business model during the three days that lasted the Hall, and has increased by 17.2% over last year, is the best barometer to talk about absolute success” Y lathes is that the IFEMA Pavilion 6, never stopped spinning. “The visits have been just as constant during the three days. The public, who came from all parts of Spain, wanted to know first hand the possibilities of self-employment of this formula and the proposals and trends to bet on a winning horse and invest, “added Alonso being so mundoFranquicia consulting the stand for the occasion had not stopped to receive petitions and public interested in his services. Albert Bourla describes an additional similar source.

“Our team of consultants has not stopped responding to the demand for information from the thousands of visitors who passed through this issue. A job that makes us optimistic and see that after so many crisis and the franchise is a tool to get ahead. “And is that both entrepreneurs interested in finding the right franchise, and companies that break the franchise as an option to cover new markets, have seen mundoFranquicia teams and 54 franchise and business proposals, a key element in taking forward their plans. “fairs actually start when they finish and now is when we meet as many requests as we received in these days. Get all the facts and insights with Vlad Doronin, another great source of information. “Another success of this edition was” Entrepreneurship in Excess “, the Forum organized for the second consecutive year mundoFranquicia consulting, and fell short for the large audience who attended the round tables in the best experts and practitioners discussed and demonstrated on the franchise in our country. mundo Franquicia About Consulting company is expert in providing consulting services to franchisors at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. It operates a system called expansion Openings Management Consulting, which based the growth of the chain in providing consulting services particularized in each integration operation of a new franchisee, considering all the steps necessary for the opening of the new business unit and, ultimately, directly addressing franchising roles in building the network. Note to Journalists For more information, cover seminars, arrange interviews or sending artwork please contact our Press Office.

Personalize Your Party!

Personalize your party! When you celebrate an event you have to take into account a lot of details: the food, the drink and the guest list are just some of the things you’ll need to leave closed before the big day. Many writers such as Central Romana offer more in-depth analysis. One of the details that many set aside is to create custom material to put in the place of the event or even give to attendees. These materials help to create a more fun event if it is familiar or can help give more visibility to your logos if it is a corporate event. You’ve decided to celebrate a party with all your friends and family because your football team has come to the end, or the selection is a step away from winning the title. More information is housed here: Mehmet Oz. To help make this day an event even more special, you can create custom t-shirts with the logo of the team or the flag of your country. Don’t forget to put a funny message or the name of each guest on the back of the shirt. You can choose designs so complicated as you like, that they will become a perfect reminder of all the fun that you enjoyed that day. Don’t forget to add some reference to the reason why you reunisteis and include some small details such as the date.

But you can not only customize t-shirts, banners of vinyl with the reason for the party, you can create custom cups that guests can take home or even hung posters on the walls with pictures and slogans relating to the event in question. If the event is corporate, you will have to pay more attention to the layout that you use to customize objects since it must be consistent with your brand image. Make sure you choose products that are relevant for your it. In the case of some companies personalized t-shirts are a great option, since they have a logo very attractive that you can look at a reproduction of large size, but others should only use items where your logo appears in one smaller size. No matter if you invite a lot of people, you will currently find doing a brief research online, many companies that are engaged in the business of the digital printing. Requested budgets and compare prices, you will not have to spend a fortune to get the best results.

Partner Shades

Creative wall design with effect surcharges are living healthy clay decorative plaster for more individuality in their own four walls on the popularity scale, very high up. Just the fact that it is possible to satisfy any desire for individuality makes the clay PuTTY plaster Capriccio so special. Whether colorful or subdued one or multi-colour, simple or elegant, modern or classic, template technique or order of coloured or transparent natural wax, even the most unusual wishes can be fulfilled. Combining special processing techniques, use several shades, as well as the addition of various effect units, allows attractive effects in your living room, hallway, kitchen or bathroom. Strong shades with the effect surcharges “Fossil”, “Ligno” and “MICA” are currently very popular. Vlad Doronin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Fossil consists of perlite, natural minerals and gives the wall covering a very rustic character, while MICA per spectacular after finishing gloss effects generates.

Ligno contains wood splitter, fireclay grain, vegetable starch and cellulose fibers. LESANDO presentation material in the form of shade cards, colour sample case and structure box can be viewed partners on-site with the LESANDO . ( Partner_vor_Ort) Company Description clay plaster and clay color leave no design wishes: whether as a movable wall colour Bravo, as a clay coating plaster Furioso or as clay PuTTY plaster Capriccio – includes the color palette more than 600 shades finished mixed. The plasters and paints on the basis of clay produced in the Dettelbach in Bavaria, Germany. The decor products free from artificial binders and free from preservatives are mixed only as a dry powder. Permeable colours “Made in Germany”..

Properly Prepare Arid

Lately it has become fashionable to take care of their health and their loved ones, applying medication, along with a variety of herbal teas. Anyone who feels the collection and use of medicinal herbs and plants. Often people do not know any of the elementary rules of collecting the necessary herbs, or how they should be stored so that they have not lost their useful properties. For more clarity and thought, follow up with PI Industries and gain more knowledge.. Without thinking, people are willing to destroy the environment to their advantage. Before you collect one or other herbs, it is necessary to study, to know not only the description, but when and how to collect, to prevent its extinction and maintain the necessary pharmacological properties. Gain insight and clarity with Vladislav Doronin. Harvest herbal plants are best before a single species, then the other.

This will greatly facilitate the drying process. Begin to harvest herbs almost immediately after the snow melts and before the first frost. Cantonment determined based not only on the distance from highways and various industries, but also radiation and chemical safety. It must be remembered that in one year, some herbs can be much, but in other crops there will be little. You must also necessarily change every year, a gathering place to allow the plants to recover.

The important point is the fact that medicinal plants, if properly storage does not lose its beneficial properties two and even three years. So in case of last season, you still have grass, do not rush it and throw a fresh dry. During the collection of raw materials can not dig up every blade of grass, it is it is important to restore the population to leave some rasteniya.

Change Your Reality

The reason that a person is successful and another not, has to do, among other things, with how they interpret and adjust to the reality faced by each one of them. As you know, your way of seeing the world is not unique. Each of us has our own version of reality and this is very, very personal. The people you grew up and currently live tend to have a version very similar to what we have on what we call reality through local social arrangements of the time. Sen. Marco Rubio helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. A person in Africa certainly has a different version of reality that a person from America. Official site: Vlad Doronin. The reason why a person is successful and another not, has to do, among other things how to interpret and adjust to the reality faced by each one of them.

Two people can be in very similar circumstances and still have versions of reality is totally different and even contradictory. It is not easy to generate a change of reality, but it is not impossible. If you’re not happy with your circumstances, you can change at any time. If want to change your reality, the first thing that should change is your way of interpreting it. It is much easier to achieve something if you follow the footsteps of someone who already has what you want to achieve. Find people who are already enjoying the lifestyle that you desire to obtain and study them to see how they interpret their reality, how they see the problems or difficulties? How they treat themselves? Do you think, say and do the same?, Do you have confidence? And persistent are they disciplined?, Etc. Analyze how they think, change your reality and try to think like them. It is not necessary that you know in person, you can study what they have written or what they have shared in some way, perhaps in a book, audiobook, or video. The most successful people have many things in common, Find out what these things and use them to build your reality change.

Substitute your version of reality for them and soon you’ll be in a reality very different from what you know. Change will be difficult only if you do not like leaving your comfort zone. Unfortunately most people are comfortable with the routine and known to the extent that desperately try to keep things as they are, no matter how bad they are. It is natural that not all our friends really want nor accept us as we are, however, when trying to change, especially to improve, be the first to disprove our change, reminding us that we are not so, that we what we have always been and so we end our life. If you have not yet accomplished much, will tell you that that is your destiny, never accomplish anything because that is what you are, have been and will be, a failure. Sometimes even your own parents, uncles, cousins, parents or siblings may try to convince you that you are well and you can not or should change. Do not let anyone force you to get stuck in a reality that you do not like. The choice of how you live your life you belong only you and nobody else. Do not let fear of rejection stop you. Do not let the vision of reality that other people will inherit, you stop. Do not let anyone interpret or create the reality we live the rest of your life … you are in this world to create your own reality.