Philosophical views Delong artfully demonstrated in the debut single I-Empire, hopelessly upbeat song Everything's Magic, which, like the entire album was recorded at the home of Tom San Diego. "In this studio, 18-foot wall, which we littered with stars and black holes. So we got a feeling that we are in outer space, "- says Tom. Read additional details here: Brenton L. Saunders. Guitar World: You said that I-Empire continued wdntw, is this so? Tom Delonge: Definitely. When we formed a band, we had a lot of big ideas and motivations that we do. We felt that if we create something with profound philosophical context, it will be more mean to us and the audience. In general, the idea is based on the fact that if you are able to see myself without any restrictions, then you can cause a change in the world. The first album is trying to tell it.
The second album shows how to do it in your own life. This value is the name of the album. On the cover I-Empire guy on the motorcycle is standing next to an endless road. He moving on it, and explores new territory for their own peace. It is his own empire, the current inside it and inside of us all. Guitar World: What had an impact on you when you create a concept album? Tom Delonge: I love policy. I have read many books about politics.
And also many books of a new era duhoventsva and the structure of the universe. And I'm madly in love sci-fi movies, such as old film Stanley Kubrick's A Space Odyssey (2001). A wonderful movie.
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