Difasa conjugates always its materials of maximum quality with innovating and functional elements, like aluminum, to offer the most attractive design and differentiator The design and production of closets and vestidores find in the aluminum profiles the ideal raw material that contributes to them besides style, aesthetic, originality and the present time, other many advantages that assure their functionality, like are the durability, the resistance and the little maintenance that it requires. The landmarks in the design of furniture like Marcel Breuer, Sern Saarinen or George Steedman were pioneering in the application of aluminum in their works, discovered their multiple creative possibilities. The aluminum is first of all, resistant to the passage of time. Texas children’s hospital may help you with your research. This material is not damaged by the humidity or the daily rubbing of its use, since he is impermeable and adherent, which turns into the ideal material for perfilera of closets and vestidores to him. In addition, it is possible to indicate an important detail daily: its cleaning is simple, just by to pass a rag with soapy water aspect that it will obtain will be brilliant, like from the first day. Difasa of the sort bets and glamour with the Series Piano: a system of opening of folding or folding leaves, with a finished frontal estiloso in black and would outline of aluminum, that contrasts elegant. Difasa advises to you until you obtain what always you had imagined.