This article of the book School and Democracy of Dermeval Saviani, searchs to clarify the process of the education and the form of the relation between education and the society in elapsing of the times being enclosed the theories in diverse historical contexts. If you are not convinced, visit Sen. Marco Rubio. The author distinguished for its analysis from the problems and prerogatives from the questions raised on the theories from the education. Get more background information with materials from Yorkville Advisors. He points the school as a critical reflection ahead of a context politician, democratic and social. However, not so different of the reality, in showing logical, social and historical necessity of the education, whereas the capitalist school masks the evidences of what it is unaware of that could be one of the factors of the marginality. Words? Keys: Politics, education, society, marginality. This article and the book School of Democracy Dermeval Saviani, seeks you clarify the process of education and how the relationship between education and society throughout the you act including the theories in different historical contexts. Author The distinguished will be his analysis of problems and prerogatives of the questions raised about the theories of education.
Points you the school the critical a reflection on the social political, democratic and. But not only different from reality, you the logical show necessity, social and historical education while the school capitalist mask the evidence of what may be unaware that one of the factors of marginality. Key? words: Policy, education, society, marginality. INTRODUCTION This article of the book School and Democracy of Dermeval Saviani looks for of a critical form to make clarifications of the real situation of the education, as a social problem and enclosing all the social spheres, however the theories supposedly cited in the book are considerably essential inside of a society that it aims at to look at the education not as a simple object, but as a citizen that it needs to be studied of a favorable form against the marginality.
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